All ceiling fans are not created Equal
Product Categories
Casablanca Blade Arm / Holder25 Products
Casablanca Mounting Hardware19 Products
Receiver Boards13 Products
Casablanca Inteli Touch11 Products
Casablanca Legacy Next Gen6 Products
Remote Controls6 Products
Casablanca Advan Touch5 Products
Glass5 Products
Market Place4 Products
Pull Chain Fans3 Products
About Us
Repairing your Casablanca Legacy fan vs. Buying New
Before you decide to replace your Casablanca Legacy fan, know that Casablanca Legacy fans were designed to be repaired not replaced. Casablanca’s statement, “All ceiling fans are not created equal” is known in the industry as the highest quality in ceiling fans. Designed with meticulous attention to design and manufacturing. From the silent heavy duty, high performance powerful motors to the furniture-grade wood veneer blades. Casablanca owners know their fan is a superior product with superior performance and lasting durability. Yes, Casablanca Legacy fans are worth repairing.
FANSunlimited offers genuine OEM new and re-furbished electronics to repair and fix your Casablanca Legacy fan. We also offer full function systems that uses newer technology allowing you to greater operation flexibility to keep your high performance Casablanca Legacy fan going for years to come.
FANSunlimited is here to help you with repairing and fixing your Casablanca Legacy fan. You will find information on removing Casablanca fan, how to find your serial number, fan packing instructions, and Casablanca Legacy owner’s manuals.
Casablanca Legacy Owner’s Manuals and other important information about the product that you purchased should be kept for future reference. This part of the Casablanca support website makes copies of your owner’s manuals and other valuable information such as product operation sheets, at your finger tips as downloads.